在NT平台下,用户登陆是使用Winlogon和GINA——Graphical Identification and Authentication,意思是图形化的身份认证。Winlogon是Windows系统的一部分,它专门提供交互式登陆支持,而GINA则是Winlogon用来实现认证的一个DLL——这个…
导读: 前日在翻阅MSGINA的信息的时候,无意中看到了关于如何定制MSGINA的一些文章,其中有一篇 The Essentials of Replacing the Microsoft Graphical Identification and Authentication Dynamic Link Library其中提到 Disabling Domain Opti…
java SWT嵌入IE,SafeArray/* * Reading and writing to a SAFEARRAY * * This example reads from a PostData object in a BeforeNavigate2 event and * creates a PostData object in a call to Navigate. * * For a list of all SWT example snippets see * http://dev.ec…
导读: [gina.bas] #COMPILE DLL #INCLUDE "win32api.inc" I redeclare SID here again due a problem with win32ipa.inc. Whatever i try, the compiler does not compile with any "var as SID PTR" reporting "undefined type" T…
来自波音(Boeing)公司的John Vu两个主题演讲(软件过程改进的现状、如何在软件外包市场胜出),切中要害,不仅对国内软件业现状分析透彻,而且提出了很好的对策。给我印象最深的是两句话:I never ask the suppl…